President Biden announces appointment of pandemic fraud ‘czar’

President Biden became the first US President to announce the creation of a fraud "czar" to focus on prosecution of companies and individuals that misused pandemic relief funds.

Why did a US President find it necessary to do this for the first time in history? It's simple really- the amount of fraud related to pandemic relief programs such as the Cares Act and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is enormous, measuring in the billions of dollars already, and from conversation with people that are close to the matter, could easily reach into the $100s of billions....

This may easily be the largest fraud in world history, and is a unique opportunity for whistleblowers to step forward, do the right thing to uncover people that criminally took advantage of relief programs during a global pandemic, and demonstrate that fraud, corruption and theft won’t be tolerated anymore.

Ethic Alliance is a for-profit corporation and law firm whose purpose is to empower, educate and protect whistleblowers, ensuring they receive the protection they need and the rewards they are entitled to under US law (the US government will typically reward whistleblowers 10%-30% of the amount recovered or sanctioned under various whistleblower laws), generating profits for investors while reducing corruption, fraud, theft, lying and cheating in our society. 

Ethic Alliance protects whistleblowers through a secure, encrypted reporting and messaging platform, attaching the strong legal protection of attorney-client privilege from the moment a report is filed with us, and access to a network of specialty attorneys that have made careers protecting and supporting whistleblowers, and working with the US government to win whistleblower lawsuits.

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Photo by Tabrez Syed on Unsplash


Whistleblowers helping expose abuse of COVID-19 relief funds


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